


  1. Write a function to flatten a nested list of integers, i.e., to return a list containing all the same integers but without nesting. For example, given l = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6], flatten (l) should return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

  2. An S-expression is a form of nested list.

    • An S-expression can be an atom. For this exercise, atoms will be strings.

    • An S-expression can be a list in which the first element is called the head and must be an atom. The remainder of the list (zero or more elements) is called the tail. Each element of the tail is an S-expression.

For example, ["1.", "a", ["b", "b.1", "b.2"], "c"] is an S-expression.

Write a function to print an S-expression as a bulleted list. For example, given the list above, your function should print

- 1.
  - a
  - b
      - b.1
      - b.2
  - c

Given this S-expression

menu = ["Menu", ["Coffee",  "Caffe latte", "Caffe espresso", "Cappuccino", "Latte macchiato"],
                ["Tea",  ["Green Teas", "烏龍 (Oolong)", "毛尖花 (Mao Jian flowers)", "抹茶 (Matcha)"],
                        ["Black and Red Teas", "Darjeeling", "Lapsang Souchong", "Assam"],
                        "Masala chai"],

it should print

- Menu
    - Coffee
        - Caffe latte
        - Caffe espresso
        - Cappuccino
        - Latte macchiato
    - Tea
        - Green Teas
            - 烏龍 (Oolong)
            - 毛尖花 (Mao Jian flowers)
            - 抹茶 (Matcha)
        - Black and Red Teas
            - Darjeeling
            - Lapsang Souchong
            - Assam
        - Masala chai
    - Water
  1. A specification of a data structure is called a schema (plural: schemata). For example, a database schema might describe one or more database tables and associate a name and type with each column in each table. A user of the pandas statistical software package might use pandas.DataFrame.columns and pandas.DataFrame.dtypes to query the schema of a dataframe. In Python we use type annotations to document the schema of each formal argument to a function, whether that schema is as simple as a built-in type iike int or as complex as the recursive Nest data structure we used in our treemap project.

    It is convenient to save and restore Python data structures using the JSON data exchnge format. Python makes it easy using the built-in json module. However, when we read a JSON document into a Python structure, it is not easy to check that it conforms to the structures we expected. It would be nice to be able to check the structure against a schema.

    We can use S-expressions to express schemata for nested structures of lists and dicts produced by json.load or json.loads. We’ll begin by limiting ourselves to structures of fixed depth (i.e., nested but not recursive), and limit the atomic elements to int, str, and float. The permitted forms of a schema will be

    • An atomic type name int, str, or float

    • A composite structure [list S] or [dict A S], where S is a schema and A is an atomic type name.

    For example, { 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]} would conform to schema [dict str [list int]] but would not conform to schema [list [dict str int]].

    Write a checker function that takes a structure and a schema (expressed as an S-expression) and returns True iff the structure conforms to the schema.

  2. The schema specifications in exercise 3 allow us to specify the content of a homogenous list (that is, a list in which each element has the same type), but they do not let us specify that a list should have exactly k elements, which a particular type for each element (e.g., each column in a database table or a spreadsheet). Extend your solution to exercise 2 with a new composite structure ["row", S, S, ...] where each S is a schema. For example [5, "apple", [2, 3, 6]] conforms to ["row",  int, str, [list, int]]).

4a. Bonus challenge: A schema is itself a nested (and recursive) data structure. Write a checker that returns True if a schema is correctly structured.

4b. Bonus challenge (advanced):
Devise an approach to specify schemata for recursive data structures. You will need a way to introduce names for the recursive elements and a way to allow alternatives (so that you can give a recursive case and a base case for the structure). Providing enough expressive power while keeping the schemata as simple and readable as possible is not easy!


  1. Write a function to flatten a nested list of integers, i.e., to return a list containing all the same integers but without nesting. For example, given l = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6], flatten (l) should return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

IntNest = int | list['IntNest']

def flatten(l: IntNest) -> list[int]: 
    if isinstance(l, int): 
        # Base case:
        # Counter-intuitively, we will pack the int 
        # into a list so that we can treat all results
        # uniformly in the recursive case.
        return [l]
    elif isinstance(l, list): 
        # Recursive case:  Obtain a flat list from each element,
        # and merge them. 
        result = []
        for el in l: 
            result += flatten(el)
        return result
        raise ValueError(f"This isn't an IntNest: {l}")

l = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6]
l_flat = flatten(l)
print(l_flat)  # Expect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Here’s another approach, which is probably a little more efficient because appending to a list is faster than concatenating lists:

# Alternative version, with a helper function 
def construct_flat(l: IntNest, flat: list[int]): 
    """Insert each integer into flat"""
    if isinstance(l, int):
    elif isinstance(l, list): 
        for el in l: 
             construct_flat(el, flat)
        raise ValueError(f"This isn't an IntNest: {l}")
def flatten(l: IntNest) -> list[int]:
    result = []
    construct_flat(l, result)
    return result
l = [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], 6]
l_flat = flatten(l)
print(l_flat)  # Expect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  1. Write a function to print an S-expression as a bulleted list. In this sample solution, I introduce a type name Sexp to formulate some (but not all) of the rules for S-expressions, and use a keyword argument level with a default value of 0 to control indentation level. The howto document for the treemap project introduces complex type definitions like the declaration of Sexp in this exercise and Schema in the next.

    Printing with end="" is a way to print without going to the next line, but you could accomplish the same thing by building up a string for the “leader” (indentation plus bullet) on each line.

Sexp = str | list['Sexp']

def print_bulleted(exp: Sexp, level=0):
    """Printed nest as bulleted list."""
    for i in range(level):
        print("    ", end="")
    if isinstance(exp, str):
        print(f"- {exp}")
        print(f"- {exp[0]}")
        for child in exp[1:]:
            print_bulleted(child, level+1)
menu = ["Menu", ["Coffee",  "Caffe latte", "Caffe espresso", "Cappuccino", "Latte macchiato"],
                ["Tea",  ["Green Teas", "烏龍 (Oolong)", "毛尖花 (Mao Jian flowers)", "抹茶 (Matcha)"],
                        ["Black and Red Teas", "Darjeeling", "Lapsang Souchong", "Assam"],
                        "Masala chai"],

- Menu
    - Coffee
        - Caffe latte
        - Caffe espresso
        - Cappuccino
        - Latte macchiato
    - Tea
        - Green Teas
            - 烏龍 (Oolong)
            - 毛尖花 (Mao Jian flowers)
            - 抹茶 (Matcha)
        - Black and Red Teas
            - Darjeeling
            - Lapsang Souchong
            - Assam
        - Masala chai
    - Water
  1. Check conformance of a structure to a schema. Your solution does not need to be as complex as mine – it is ok to assume the schema is well-formed. A lot of the code in my sample solution, below, is checking the well-formedness of the schema as we work through the schema and the structure together. Note that my sample solution raises an exception when the schema is ill-formed, instead of returning False as it does when the schema is well-formed but the structure does not conform to the schema. The exception messages print types like int as <class  int> … let me know if you find a way to fix that!

Schema = type | list['Schema']

def conforms(structure: object, schema: Schema) -> bool:
    """Like "isinstance" but checking a structure against a
    schema that could be int, str, float or an S-expression
    [list S] or [dict A S]. where A is int, str, or float and
    S is a schema.
    if schema in [int, float, str]:
        return isinstance(structure, schema)
    elif isinstance(schema, list):
        pass  # continued below
        raise ValueError(f"Ill-formed schema {schema} should be int, float, str," +
                         "[list element-schema], or [dict key-type value-schema]")

    # Schema is a list
    t, *components = schema
    if t not in [list, dict]:
        raise ValueError(f"Schema composite types are list and dict, not {t}")
    if t == list:
        if len(components) != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Schema for list should have one component type, not {components}")
        if not isinstance(structure, list):
            return False
        comp_type = components[0]
        for item in structure:
            if not conforms(item, comp_type):
                return False
        return True
        # t is dict
        if len(components) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f"dict schema should have two component types, for key and value, not {components}")
        key_type, value_type = components
        if key_type not in [int, str, float]:
            raise ValueError(f"dict schema key type should be str, int, or float, not {key_type}")
        if not isinstance(structure, dict):
            return False
        for k,v in structure.items():
            if not isinstance(k, key_type):
                return False
            if not conforms(v, value_type):
                return False
        return True

print(conforms({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]},  
               [dict, str, [list, int]]))            # Expect True
print(conforms({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]}, 
               [list, [dict, str, int]]))           # Expect False
print(conforms([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4 }], 
                [list, [dict, str, int]]))          # Expect True
print(conforms([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4 }], 
               [dict, str, [list, int]]))           # Expect False

# Exception rather than False for malformed schemata
    conforms({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]},
             [dict, [list, int], [list, int]])
    raise(Exception("Malformed schema should have failed!"))
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Rejected malformed schema as expected: {e}")
Rejected malformed schema as expected: dict schema key type should be str, int, or float, not [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>]
  1. The row schema is an additional case to consider, with traversal of the structure and schema as parallel arrays.

Schema = type | list['Schema']

def conforms(structure: object, schema: Schema) -> bool:
    """Like "isinstance" but checking a structure against a
    schema that could be int, str, float or an S-expression
    [list S] or [dict A S]. where A is int, str, or float and
    S is a schema.
    if schema in [int, float, str]:
        return isinstance(structure, schema)
    elif isinstance(schema, list):
        pass  # continued below
        raise ValueError(f"Ill-formed schema {schema} should be int, float, str," +
                         "[list element-schema], or [dict key-type value-schema]")

    # Schema is a list
    t, *components = schema
    if t not in [list, dict, "row"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Schema composite types are list and dict, not {t}")
    if t == list:
        if len(components) != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Schema for list should have one component type, not {components}")
        if not isinstance(structure, list):
            return False
        comp_type = components[0]
        for item in structure:
            if not conforms(item, comp_type):
                return False
        return True
    elif t == "row":
        # Also a list, but instead of one homogenous element type, we expect
        # a schema for each column
        if not isinstance(structure, list) or  len(components) != len(structure):
            return False
        for i in range(len(components)):
            if not conforms(structure[i], components[i]):
                return False
        return True
        # t is dict
        if len(components) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f"dict schema should have two component types, for key and value, not {components}")
        key_type, value_type = components
        if key_type not in [int, str, float]:
            raise ValueError(f"dict schema key type should be str, int, or float, not {key_type}")
        if not isinstance(structure, dict):
            return False
        for k,v in structure.items():
            if not isinstance(k, key_type):
                return False
            if not conforms(v, value_type):
                return False
        return True

print(conforms({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]},  [dict, str, [list, int]]))        # Expect True
print(conforms({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4]}, [list, [dict, str, int]]))         # Expect False
print(conforms([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4 }], [list, [dict, str, int]]))  # Expect True
print(conforms([{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4 }], [dict, str, [list, int]]))  # Expect False
# Row schemata
print(conforms([5, "apple", [2, 3, 6]], 
               ["row",  int, str, [list, int]]))              # Expect  True
print(conforms([1, "alpha", 2, "beta", {"c": 3}], 
               ["row", int, str, int, str, [dict, str, int]])) # Expect True
print(conforms([1, "alpha", 2, "beta", {"c": 3}], 
               ["row", int, str, int, str, ["row", int]]))     # Expect False

4a. Schema well-formedness checker. The interesting thing about my solution is the way it maintains a boolean variable meaning “ok so far” so that it can find multiple errors. How does it compare to yours? Also note how a separate function check_schema starts and finishes the checking, to simplify the main recursive function schema_well_formed.

Schema = type | list['Schema']

def schema_well_formed(schema: Schema, errors: list[str] | None = None) -> bool:
    """Check schema for being well-formed.
    Optional argument 'errors' receives a list of errors.
    if errors is None:
        # Recall the default argument gotcha from the Binding and Scope chapter.
        # This is the standard workaround.
        errors = []  # Bind it now, not once at point of function definition
    # The rest of this is like a stripped-down version of 'conforms', but with
    # descriptions of issues encountered in the schema.
    if schema in [int, float, str]:
        return True
    elif isinstance(schema, list):
        pass  # continued below
        errors.append(f"Ill-formed schema {schema} should be int, float, str," +
                         "[list, element-schema], or [dict, key-type, value-schema]" +
                         "or ['row', col-schema, col-schema, ...]")
        return False

    # Schema is a list.  Boolean variasble "ok" is flipped to False when we encounter
    # any error, but we continue to collect all errors we can find.
    ok = True
    t, *components = schema
    if t not in [list, dict, "row"]:
        errors.append(f"Schema composite types are list, row, and dict, not {t} in {schema}")
        ok = False
    if t == list:
        if len(components) != 1:
            ok = False
            errors.append(f"Schema for list should have one component type, not {components}")
        comp_type = components[0]
        for comp_type in components:
            ok = schema_well_formed(comp_type, errors) and ok
    elif t == "row":
        # Also a list, but instead of one homogenous element type, we expect
        # a schema for each column
        for comp_type in components:
            ok = schema_well_formed(comp_type) and ok
        # t is dict
        if len(components) != 2:
            ok = False
            errors.append(f"dict schema should have two component types, for key and value, not {components}")
        if len(components) >= 1:
            key_type = components[0]
            if key_type not in [str, int, float]:
                ok = False
                errors.append(f"Valid key types for dict are str, int, float, not {key_type} in {schema}")
        for value_type in components[1:]:
            ok = schema_well_formed(value_type, errors) and ok
    return ok

def check_schema(schema: Schema):
    """Gathers and prints error messages plus overall well-formedness"""
    if schema_well_formed(schema, errors):
        print(f"Good schema {schema}, errors={errors}")
        print(f"Schema {schema} rejected")

check_schema([dict, [list, int], [list, int]])  # Bad, can't use list as dict key
check_schema([dict, str, [list, int]])          # Good
check_schema([list, [dict, str, int]])          # Good
check_schema(["row", int, str, int, str, [dict, str, int]]) # Good
check_schema(["row", int, str, int, str, ["row", int]])
Schema [<class 'dict'>, [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>], [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>]] rejected
Valid key types for dict are str, int, float, not [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>] in [<class 'dict'>, [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>], [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>]]

Good schema [<class 'dict'>, <class 'str'>, [<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>]], errors=[]
Good schema [<class 'list'>, [<class 'dict'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'int'>]], errors=[]
Good schema ['row', <class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, [<class 'dict'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'int'>]], errors=[]
Good schema ['row', <class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'str'>, ['row', <class 'int'>]], errors=[]

4b. Devise an approach to specify schemata for recursive data structures. This is an open-ended design challenge that you could approach in many different ways, to the extent that I don’t know how to provide a “sample solution” like the more constrained exercises. You might wish to look at how the JSON Schema specification handles recursion (look for a heading “Recursion”), but … honestly, I find that spec overcomplicated and not clearly documented. I’d like you to do better.

See what you can come up with, and then let’s talk about it.