Binding: Functions and Scope#

In the prior chapter and accompanying project we both used functions that come built-in to Python (like max and sorted) and functions that you can create yourself. In this chapter we will look further at both, but especially at functions that you write.


Fig. 4 Tools alone will not make you a good cook, or a good programmer, but good cooks and programmers know their tools.#

Built-in and imported functions#

A collection of reusable software written by others and ready for us to incorporate in our own programs is called a library. Python has a rich set of libraries. In this course we will focus on libraries that come pre-packaged with a standard Python 3 installation. We will omit consideration of additional libraries that you can install, although you might use those in other courses or for side projects.

Always available#

Some functions are always present and available. They are documented at The always available functions include some we have already seen, like len and sorted. They also include some more esoteric functions that you may never use. You do not need to memorize them all!

Recall that methods are very much like functions, but instead of a function call like len(s), we make a method call like s.strip(). The methods of the built-in types are not listed in the table above, but they are documented with the types of data they operate on. For example, strip is described in documentation for type str. Again, it is not necessary (or perhaps even possible) to memorize all the built-in methods for all the built-in types. Bookmark the Python standard library documentation page and refer to it whenever you need to use them. You will soon enough remember the functions and methods you use most often.

Importing other modules#

In addition to the functions that are always available and the types that are always available with their methods, the Python standard library includes a large number of optional modules. These are installed on your computer when you install Python 3, but they are not automatically available in your program until you indicate your intent to use them.

To gain access to functions and types from a part of the standard library that is not already available, you import it, like this:

import random

random is a module that contains several functions we might want to use. For example, to generate a random integer between 25 and 100, inclusive, we could write

r_int = random.randint(25, 100)

Notice that we cannot call randint without specifying that it belongs to module random. That is because the module is a namespace with a distinct set of names for functions and variables.
It is possible for the same name to appear in more than one namespace, referring to distinct values or objects. That’s the point of namespaces: Because each module or other namespace has its own set of names, we don’t have to worry about accidental conflicts between names in different namespaces.

The global namespace (or scope) of your program is distinct from the namespace of modules you import. When you import random, the name “random” refers to the whole module, and is distinct from any names that occur within that module, like random.randint. It is even possible for the module random to contain within it a function that is also called random. It does:

r_float = random.random()   # Returns v such that 0.0 <= v < 1.0

There is no confusion in interpreting the name random.random. The part before the . is in the namespace of your program, so it refers to the module. The part after the . is in the namespace of the module, so it refers to function random found in module random.


This section introduces many closely related terms like scope, namespace, and frame, as well as some terms like argument that are often used interchangeably with other terms like parameter in Python documentation. It can be confusing! We have provided a short discussion of terminology to help you keep them straight.

Finding useful modules#

It is not practical to memorize the names of all the modules in the Python standard library, let alone all the functions in all those modules. Just bookmark the standard library documentation and search. The modules are mostly well-named and have clear, concise descriptions that will help you find what you need. Once again, the modules you use often will stick in memory without conscious attempts at memorization.

Defining and calling a function#

Recall that a Python function can be created by writing a function header (starting with def) to define how it is called, and a function body that describes how it works. Here is a simple function that returns the absolute difference between two integer values:

def abs_diff(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    """Absolute value of the difference between x and y."""
    if x > y: 
        return x - y
        return y - x

The name of the new function will be abs_diff. Following Python naming conventions, it is made of lower case letters (no capital letters), with parts separated by underscore (”_”). The following chapter on pragmatics discusses the choice of name in more depth.

Function abs_diff has two arguments, also called formal parameters, x and y. The actual arguments passed to abs_diff must be int objects representing integers. The function header also indicates that abs_diff will return a single int value. This information comprises the signature of function abs_diff, which is (int, int) -> int. This is enough to tell us that x = abs_diff(5, 7) is a legal assignment that assigns an int value to x, but abs_diff("cats", "dogs") is an error, as is abs_diff(3, 2) + "turtles".

Less obviously, abs_diff(3.2, 5.4) is a programming error, even though it will return 2.2. This is because the header of a function is a sort of contract between the author of the function and anyone who calls that function (even if they are the same person). Passing a floating point number like 3.2 to abs_diff breaks that contract. As the next chapter discusses in more depth, it is essential that a programmer who wants to make use of abs_diff be able to depend entirely on the contract given by the function header and docstring, without referring to the body of the function.


We saw earlier that when we call a function, the values we “pass” to the function are assigned to the formal arguments, which might have different names than the variables that we pass:

def diff(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    """Returns a - b."""
    return a - b

x = 17
y = 14
z = diff(x, y)
print(a)     # Error!  Variable a doesn't exist here. 
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 0>()
      7 z = diff(x, y)
      8 print(z)
----> 9 print(a)

NameError: name 'a' is not defined

It may help to see this example step-by-step in PythonTutor. If you are viewing this chapter in a web browser, use the “next” button in the frame below to step through it.

In the example above, function diff, the value of x is assigned to the formal argument a and the value of y is assigned to the formal argument b, so we get 17 - 14 which is 3. Also, the variables a and b exist only while diff is executing, so the final statement will cause an error (“NameError”, which basically means there is no variable a at that point in the program.)

If you assign to a variable within a function, that variable will likewise exist only as long as the function is executing.

def example(a: int) -> int:
    """Example return a + 1."""
    thing = a
    return thing + 1
x = example(41)
print(thing)    # No thing here! 
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [5], in <cell line: 0>()
      6 x = example(41)
      7 print(x)
----> 8 print(thing)

NameError: name 'thing' is not defined

You can also step through this example in PythonTutor.

We say that both a and thing exist in the local scope of function example. It is even possible for two or more variables with the same name to exist in different scopes.

# Global scope (global frame or namespace)
x = 23
y = 42
m = 19

def example(m: int):
    """Example to illustrate scope"""
    y = 77
    print(f"x is bound to {x} within example")
    print(f"y is bound to {y} within example")
    print(f"m is bound to {m} within example")

# Executing "example" creates the new local scope
# When "example" finishes, the new scope is deleted

print(f"After example, x is bound to {x}")
print(f"After example, y is bound to {y}")
print(f"After example, m is bound to {m}")
x is bound to 23 within example
y is bound to 77 within example
m is bound to 23 within example
After example, x is bound to 23
After example, y is bound to 42
After example, m is bound to 19

You can step through this example in PythonTutor

During execution of example(x), the scopes created by the example above look like this:

Scopes during execution of

There are several things to notice:

  • Although there are two name spaces (scopes or frames) in the example, there is only one object space. PythonTutor shows the int values directly in frames as a simplification, but they are actually objects in object space.

  • When we call example(x), the value bound to x in the global scope is bound to m in the scope of example(x). We say that the “actual argument” x is bound to the “formal argument” m in example(m: int). This is always how values are passed to functions in Python.

  • The same value, an int object containing the integer 23, is bound to more than one name. This is called aliasing.
    It will become important when we consider objects like lists that can be modified, with intentional effects or unintentional side effects.

Aliasing of the same int object to the name m in the execution of example, and to x in the global namespace, is hardly noticeable. We might compute some new value by adding the values of 23 and 42, but that would be an entirely new int object. We would not be changing the int object 23 mean something else (thank goodness). We call int objects immutable because they can never change value.

You can watch the example in action with Python Tutor. It should look very similar to our illustration above, except Python Tutor will not draw the int objects in the object space. They really are objects, but Python Tutor draws the integer values without the objects that hold them to reduce clutter.

Global variables#

Generally we want to keep the local variables in one function execution completely separate not only from the local variables of other functions, but also from the global namespace of our program. We do not want to write code like this:

def bad_bad_bad(x: int):
    """Don't do this!"""
    s.append(x)   # s is not local to bad_bad_bad. 
s = [1, 2]
bad_bad_bad(3)    # Not obvious that we are changing s! 
[1, 2, 3]

In this example, bad_bad_bad is a function that accesses and even changes the variable called s, not in its own namespace (the local scope of the function) but in the global scope of the program. The function is at least appropriately named. This is almost always a bad idea. Python nonetheless permits it because there are a few, rare cases in which accessing a global variable is needed.

If you are reading the online version of this text, you can step through bad_bad_bad in PythonTutor.

One case in which we might need to access a global variable from within a function is when the global variable is some kind of fixed constant or configuration. For example, an anagram finder might depend on a file that holds a list of dictionary words. We do not want to bury the name of that file inside some function. We might instead define it near the beginning of the program as a global constant, like the variable DICT in the Jumbler project:

DICT = "shortdict.txt"    # Short version for testing & debugging
# DICT = "dict.txt"       # Full dictionary word list

# ... other code ... 

def find(anagram: str):
    """Print words in DICT that match anagram.
    ... test cases here ... 
    dict_file = open(DICT, "r") 
    #  Reference to DICT is better than burying
    #  the configuration setting here in the function.
    for line in dict_file:
          word = line.strip()
          if word == anagram:

Note the Python convention of using all upper case letters to make it clear to readers of this code that DICT is a global variable.

Very rarely we might need to update a global variable from within a function. This is quite unusual, and never something to be done without first considering alternatives. One of those rare cases is when for some reason we need to keep a count of how many times a function has been called. We cannot keep the count in a variable that is local to the function, because then the local variable would disappear after each call. A new variable would be created each time the function is called. This code will not even work:

count_foo = 0

def foo() -> int: 
  """This will not work!"""
  count_foo = count_foo + 1
  return count_foo
UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [8], in <cell line: 0>()
      5   count_foo = count_foo + 1
      6   return count_foo
----> 8 print(foo())
      9 print(foo())
     10 print(foo())

Input In [8], in foo()
      3 def foo() -> int: 
      4   """This will not work!"""
----> 5   count_foo = count_foo + 1
      6   return count_foo

UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'count_foo' where it is not associated with a value

What happened here? While we may have intended to access the global variable count_foo from within foo, we did not. Because there is an assignment to count_foo, Python has created a local variable count_foo. It has the same name, but it is not the same variable, because it is in the namespace (scope) of the execution of function foo. When Python attempts to evaluate count_foo + 1, it references the local variable count_foo and finds that it does not yet have a value. Hence the “UnboundLocalError”.

If we really, really wanted to reference and change a global variable, Python will allow us to explicitly declare that it is the global variable count_foo we want to refer to, and not a new local variable with the same name.

count_foo = 0

def foo() -> int: 
    """This will work.  That doesn't make it a good idea."""
    global count_foo
    count_foo = count_foo + 1
    return count_foo

If you are reading online, you can trace it in PythonTutor.

Hygiene and pragmatics#

Even in this section devoted to the basic mechanics of defining and calling functions, it has been difficult to completely avoid talking about good and bad approaches. The next section takes up hygiene of function design in more depth.
Instructions for our project discusses pragmatics of choosing parts of the code to decompose into functions.


The many terms like scope and frame can be confusing, especially since you will encounter different names for the same or closely related concepts in documentation. We have provided a brief terminology review to help you sort them out.