Parallel Lists#

Here are two ways we could represent the ten largest cities in Oregon, along with their populations. We can think of the data as a table with a row for each city, one column for city names, and one column for populations.

We could make a single list of tuples, like this:

or_cities_pops = [
    ('Portland', 641_162), 
    ('Salem', 177_723),
    ('Eugene', 175_096),
    ('Gresham', 113_103),
    ('Hillsboro', 106_633),
    ('Bend', 102_059),
    ('Beaverton', 98_216),
    ('Medford', 86_367),
    ('Springfield', 62_256),
    ('Corvallis', 59_864)

This seems fine, but suppose I notice that the populations are somewhat out of date. I might want to add 10% to each population. I might even already have a function that adds 10% to each element of a list of numbers, but I can’t apply that function to this list of tuples. Any function that works on this data has to “know about” the (name, population), extracting the population component and building a new tuple with the updated population. Alternatively, I could change from a list of tuples to a list of lists to enable direct update of the populations, but the function would still need to know about the structure of each row.

Instead of putting all the information in one list, I could separate it into two lists. If we think of the data as being a table with a row for each city and columns for names and populations, the individual lists could represent columns of data:

or_cities_names = [ 
   'Portland', 'Salem', 'Eugene', 'Gresham', 'Hillsboro', 
   'Bend', 'Beaverton', 'Medford', 'Springfield', 'Corvallis' ]
or_cities_pops = [
    641_162, 177_723, 175_096, 113_103, 106_633, 
    102_059, 98_216, 86_367, 62_256, 59_864 ]

Now the first element of or_cities_names corresponds to the first element of or_cities_pops, the second elements correspond, and so on. We call these parallel arrays or, in Python, parallel lists, because they “line up”.

The advantage of parallel lists is that it is easier to do something to all the elements of one column, as long as I don’t change the order of elements in a column. Scientific computing packages like scipy and statistical computing packages like Python’s Pandas typically keep numerical data in parallel arrays for this reason. The disadvantage of parallel lists is that if I want to do something to a whole row, I need an element from each of the column lists.

Let’s give these cities some population growth. We will be altering only the population column, so we can write a function that takes a list of numbers and returns a corresponding list of numbers, in the same order:

def nth_increase(n: int, col: list[int]) -> list[int]:
    """Return list with integers 1/n higher than col"""
    result = []
    for el in col: 
        result.append(el + el//n)
    return result
# 10% is 1/10
or_cities_pops = nth_increase(10, or_cities_pops)

for i in range(len(or_cities_names)):
    print(or_cities_names[i], or_cities_pops[i])
Portland 705278
Salem 195495
Eugene 192605
Gresham 124413
Hillsboro 117296
Bend 112264
Beaverton 108037
Medford 95003
Springfield 68481
Corvallis 65850

With a parallel arrays structure, the nth_increase function can apply to any list of integers. It doesn’t have to be specific to city populations. In the project associated with this chapter, we will use parallel lists so that we can replace a whole column of a table with a function that handles just that column.

Zip: From columns to rows#

While printing each row is a little more tedious with organization by columns, there is a simple workaround: Python provides a function zip for combining parallel lists into a single sequence of tuples.

for row in zip(or_cities_names, or_cities_pops):
('Portland', 705278)
('Salem', 195495)
('Eugene', 192605)
('Gresham', 124413)
('Hillsboro', 117296)
('Bend', 112264)
('Beaverton', 108037)
('Medford', 95003)
('Springfield', 68481)
('Corvallis', 65850)

The zip function will come in handy if we want to change the order of rows in the table. For example, suppose we wanted to print the table of populations in alphabetical order, rather than in order of population. We need to sort them, but we can’t sort the individual columns. A list of (name, population) pairs will be sorted first by name, using population only as a tie-breaker.

rows = zip(or_cities_names, or_cities_pops)
by_name = sorted(rows)
for row in by_name: 
('Beaverton', 108037)
('Bend', 112264)
('Corvallis', 65850)
('Eugene', 192605)
('Gresham', 124413)
('Hillsboro', 117296)
('Medford', 95003)
('Portland', 705278)
('Salem', 195495)
('Springfield', 68481)


If you print rows in the example above, you will find that it is not actually a list, but rather a zip object. Python does not produce the list of tuples all at once, but rather one row at a time as needed. This is called laziness. We can mostly ignore laziness when we use access all the rows in order, as the sorted function does. It will cause a problem if we try to access row n out of order, e.g., by_row[5]. Later (but not in this course) you may want to zip together extremely long or even infinite sequences, using another cool Python feature called generators. Producing an infinite list would be slower if it were not done lazily.

Indexes as references#

When we organize our data in parallel lists, we often use the index of an item as a reference to the whole row. For example, suppose the table were in order by city name, like by_name above, and suppose we wanted to print the name of the city with the highest population. We could write a function to find the largest population, but instead of returning that population, we would return the index of that item.

def max_index(nums: list[int]):
    """Returns the index of the maximum value in nums"""
    i_max = 0
    v_max = nums[0]
    for i in range(1, len(nums)):
        if nums[i] > v_max: 
            v_max = nums[i]
            i_max = i
    return i_max

Then we can use this index to print any column in the selected row.

city_names = [
  'Beaverton', 'Bend', 'Corvallis', 'Eugene', 
  'Gresham', 'Hillsboro', 'Medford', 'Portland',
  'Salem', 'Springfield']
city_pops = [
    108037, 112264, 65850, 192605,
    124413, 117296, 95003, 705278, 
    195495, 68481]
big_city = max_index(city_pops)

print(city_names[i], city_pops[i])
Springfield 68481

We will use this technique in ourclustering project. We will search one list for the index of the cluster to which a fire record should belong, then use that index to add the fire to the cluster.