Glossary of Terms


Glossary of Terms#

There is a lot of terminology associated with object-oriented programming. Often the same concept has different names (e.g., an instance variable or method may also be called an attribute). There is no need to memorize all the terms in this glossary, but it may be helpful to you when you encounter a term that you haven’t seen before or have forgotten.

Please open an issue to request explanations of terms that you don’t find here.


abstract class

A class that cannot (or should not) be instantiated directly. An abstract class defines a common interface contract for one or more concrete subclasses.

abstract base class

Same as abstract class.


Component of a class or object. A method may be called a function attribute. An instance variable may be called a data attribute. The . (“dot”) operation accesses attributes, whether they are methods or variables.



A template for creating and operating on objects. In Python 3, there is a one-to-one association between classes and types. For example, the constant 7 is an int object, which means it has type int and also that int is the class that specifies how int objects are created and operated on. Similarly, if you create a class Point, objects created by calling Point will have type Point.



If a class C has a method m, and a subclass D of C does not have a method m, the definition of m in C is inherited by class D, as if it had been copied from C into D.


An individual object. We may create several distinct instances from a class. Each instance has its own set of instance variables. For example, if p and r are instances of class Point, the x attribute (instance variable) of p might be 7, while the x attribute of r might be 19.

instance variable

A variable that is stored as part of an object. It may also be called a data attribute. Each object of some class is called an instance of that class, and each instance contains its own instance variables.


Liskov substitution principle

In a nutshell, the Liskov substitution principle or LSP (named for Nancy Liskov, a programming languages researcher) states that subclasses should behave like subtypes. If s is a subtype of t, then we expect s to obey the specification of t, i.e., we should be able to use an s object anywhere a t object is specified. For example, if we are looping through a list of t objects, mixing a few s objects into the list should not cause a problem. Python does not enforce LSP. It is up to the programmer to design subclasses so that they are fully compatible with their superclasses.



If a class C has a method m, and a subclass D of C also has a method m, the definition of m in D overrides the definition in C. If c is an instance of C and d is an instance of D, c.m() will execute the method m defined in C, but d.m() will execute the method m defined in D.



A subclass of some class C is a class defined starting with C and the specifying differences, such as added methods and instance variables or overridden methods. In Python 3, a subclass is also a subtype.


A subtype is a type associated with a subclass. If a program complies with the Liskov substitution principle, an instance of a subclass should be usable wherever an instance of its superclass is expected.


If ‘D’ is a subclass of ‘C’, then ‘C’ is the superclass of ‘D’. (Although Python permits a class to have more than one superclass through multiple inheritance, in our course we will restrict our attention to single inheritance, in which each class has exactly one superclass.)